Vol. 1 Episode 12
Its was just an ordinary afternoon in the back yard
Then I heard a little voice
Help, Dyna Girl! Save us from the villain |
At first I didn't see what the matter was, but I wanted to help the little birds, since I'm a super hero and it is my job to protect the neighborhood from villains.
What is the problem, little birdies? |
Look, Dyna! Squirrel is stealing our dinner! |
So I went and talked to the Villainous Squirrel.
Excuse me, Squirrel, its not nice to eat the food thats meant for the little birdies! |
It took some convincing, but finally Squirrel realized he was dealing with a superhero who was determined to protect the little birdies.
Ok, Dyna Girl! You win. I won't steal the bird's food anymore (today at least, bwahahaha) |
Then Squirrel ran away to annoy someone else.
Thank you Dyna Girl! You saved us from the villain. |
I was very proud that I saved the little birdies from the Villainous Squirrel!
If you see the Villainous Squirrel again just call and I will be there in a FLASH to protect you.
The Squirrel is very Villainous, so my side kick and I have a lot of work to do keeping the little birdies safe. We are up to the challenge, though!
Watch for the next installment of The Adventures of Dyna Girl coming soon!